Have you heard about Preople.com? This is a relatively new site I discovered which will tell you the rank for your name on the internet. The higher the number, the more famous you are. Of course the problem is that if there is a famous person with your name, this is not really your rank. It’s the rank for your name. It turns out Preople is a high traffic site and if someone looks up your name on Google, Preople’s listing for your name could be at the top of the results. That’s why you need to claim your name as quickly as possible by signing up.
Here are 10 more reasons you should use Preople.com:
1. To be the top dog among the (fill in your name here)’s. If there are multiple people with your name, you want to claim your name on Preople.com before someone else does. For example, if you’re Jill Smith, your goal is to be the top Jill Smith in the world. This is not for the faint of heart because the other Jill Smith’s will hate your guts for stealing their glory. But hey, think of it this way, whether the other Jill Smith’s love you or hate you doesn’t matter, at least you’ll be famous. And we all know that an egotistical maniac like you loves to be the center of attention (Oops! Did I say that out loud…).
2. Preople has a blog feature you can use – Search engines love blogs so this is one more blog to help boost your search engine ranking for your own name.
3. To post links to your other sites in your blog postings (without spamming). Links to your site not from a site owned by you helps the search engine ranking for that site.
4. To improve your name rank on Google. Preople is a high traffic site and I discovered that when I look up my name preople is one of the top 10 listings. It didn’t used to be. That just goes to show you that search engines show preople.com a lot of love, and for that reason you should too.
5. To boost your search engine rank for free – I prefer free search engine optimization over hiring a search engine optimization expert for 1000s of dollars any day… but then I am a cheapskate.
6. To boost your Preople rank by posting to your blog
7. To score one for the living. One thing I noticed is that obituary listings get very high ranking. When I search for Donna Knight, most of the links are dead Donna Knight’s. That really bothers me because I like to think I’m going to live forever, and I hate being reminded of my own impending doom. If you use Preople, you will win out over the dead people, especially because dead people can’t blog — Oh shoot! I’m going to Hades for that! Nevermind, I’m an atheist. 😉
8. To boost your traffic. Preople tells you how to boost your Preople rank on the front page. These same methods will boost your name brand recognition and traffic rank to your own site.
9. To post your profile, so that even if the name rank isn’t really you because there’s someone famous with your name, the profile attached to that name will be yours and that famous person can’t take it away from you.
10. To post articles on the blog so that they will be syndicated by blog sites.
Donna Knight is a spiritual atheist, and really does have respect for the dead because of her Native American heritage. For more articles on how to promote yourself and your site, visit Donna Knight’s Internet Marketing Tools and Reviews at http://www.DonnaKnight.com
Copyright (c) Donna Knight, 2005. You may post this article on the internet as long as the resource box and article are kept intact