Review of Notetab Pro – It Puts Notepad to Shame

Product: NoteTab Pro
Creator: Fookes Software
Reviewer: Donna Knight

I write a lot of plain text articles and find that NoteTab Pro has many of the features of Microsoft Word but without the slow loading and bloatedness. Likewise, it makes Notepad look extremely inadequate.

NoteTab Pro is a Windows Notepad replacement but it’s really much more than that.

Here are the features NoteTab Pro has that made it my replacement for Notepad:
– Keep multiple documents open and accessible via tabs
– Word count and character count
– A count of the frequency of every word in a document
– Clickable web URLs – Change capitalization with 3 clicks
– Sort lines alphabetically
– Change HTML to text and vice versa
– Thesaurus
– Spell-checker

While there are lots of features for programmers and techies, you don’t need to use those features to benefit tremendously from this program.

If you do lots of writing, specifically of plain text articles, there’s no need to suffer the inadequacies of Notepad. At $29.95, it’s reasonably priced, and I highly recommend it.

Rating: 5 of 5

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