Quick Easy Money-Making Online Business Ideas

I know I love finding new places I can get business ideas from. Here’s one…

Go to:


Select any of the areas there, pick out all the images that you think are interesting (most of the images are in the public domain but check the dates to make sure)

I quickly found an area in the LOC that could be hot sellers:

Town maps from the 1800’s: http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/pmmapSubjects10.html

Use the town’s name and the keywords in your listings! Or if you’re creative, make your own graphics and sayings.

Then set up an account with CafePress.com (it’s free) and create your own line of t-shirts, coffee mugs, posters, stickers and more.

List them on Ebay and I guarantee you’ll make money if your design is creative enough…

The thing I like about CafePress is that you can order the item you’ve sold through your own account and have it ‘drop shipped’ to your customer without ever touching the product!

That’s right. You’re own products drop shipped for you!

TIP: Just make sure you send it as a “gift” in the ordering process or your customer will see how much you paid for the item because CafePress will include a receipt (invoice) with the item when it ships unless you state it is a ‘gift’. In the “gift message” just write something like “thank you for your purchase!” and that’s all your customer will see – no prices or invoice.

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