We’ve upgraded from WordPress 1.5 to 2.0.2. After testing the upgrade process on another blog and finding it was rather simple, I ran it on this site. I spent more time worrying than actually doing the upgrade.
Keep in mind things can always go wrong whenever you upgrade anything, but for me it was relatively painless. Here are the steps I took:
1. Back up your blog/site, including the MySQL database (If you’re using CPanel hosting, this is easy with the Back up feature).
2. Deactivate all plugins.
3. Upload the new WordPress, but do not overwrite wpconfig.php or .htaccess.
4. Run /wp-admin/upgrade.php.
5. Update your Permalinks. I actually did not need to do this. It saved my previous custom permalinks just fine.
6. Reactivate plugins one by one to see if they work. Some may not be compatible with the newer version.
You can find WordPress’ upgrade instructions at http://codex.wordpress.org/Upgrading_WordPress .
On the outside, there is no difference. The real difference and the reason I upgraded is in the admin panel.
- It makes adding categories very easy. It used to be that if I wanted to post something to a category that didn’t exist, I would have to leave the Write Post screen, go to the list of categories and add the category. Then go back to the Write Post screen. Now you can add a category right from the Write post screen.
- You can password protect posts easily (if you have a membership site based on a blog. Lots of people do these days).
- Nicer Wysiwyg editor.
- Nicer preview
In general, it makes the process of posting much easier, and ease of updating is the whole reason people use blogs over traditional websites.
Donna Knight