The Most Expensive Chocolate Bar You Will Ever Buy

Recently I saw an MLM opportunity that sounded good. It’s called Zooloot. Buy a $2 chocolate bar, refer others and earn commissions. Sounds pretty good. Lots of people love chocolate. It can’t be too much of a hard sell, right? The picture of the chocolate bar certainly looked good. They have 4 flavors, including chocolate, white, strawberry and toffee. Yum, Yum! $2 is not really much of an investment in order to earn commissions, I thought.

So I signed up. Paid my $2. I clicked the “Ship My Chocolate button”. I wanted that chocolate right now, baby. It’s 2 a.m. and I got the munchies. But then, whoa! How much is the shipping?!

Shipping for the $2 chocolate bar is $4.75. Ouch! That’s more than twice the price of the bar.

This is a perfect example of what’s wrong with MLM. Even when the product is fantastic and practically sells itself, you find that the price is unreasonably expensive. Offline you can get one of those charity chocolate bars for $1, and that’s a perfect price. Whenever I see someone selling these, I also find that they have no problem selling out.

So why would you need to pay $6.75 for the same type of chocolate bar. Because with MLM chocolate bars, you’re paying the commission for the seller and their whole downline. I don’t know about you, but I don’t need chocolate that badly. My cheapskatedness has way more fortitude than my sweet tooth.

Also strangely, I don’t remember seeing any mention of this shipping cost until after I paid the $2. Hmm…

Painful lesson learned here: There’s no such thing as a good cheap MLM deal. You’re always paying way more than the products are worth, which outweighs the fact that the product is perfectly legitimate.

Donna Knight

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