Some of the internet marketing products you buy will be compressed as a zip file. You will need Winzip to extract the files. It also handles less common archive types such as gzip and tar. Here are some other reasons to use Winzip:
- Compress files before you upload them to your website for sale.
- Compress files before you e-mail them to someone. Zipping the file will keep it from getting corrupted while traveling through the email system.
- Speeds up download and sending speed due to smaller file size
- If putting files on a floppy disk, CD or even DVD, zipping them will allow you to fit more files on the disk.
- Zipping a file before emailing it will keep it from being blocked as a potential virus in some email systems.
- Archiving and compressing files on your hard drive that you don’t use very often.
- Anytime you need to make files smaller
You can download it at .
– Donna Knight