Internet Marketing Experts

This is my list of internet marketing experts whose advice and products have allowed me to make money. All of these people are wildly successful and some are just plain filthy rich. Watch what they do and mimic.

There are other internet marketing experts who are very successful but I simply do not trust them. Just because someone says you can make money doing something, that doesn’t mean that’s how they made the majority of their money.

I’m well aware that some of the people on this list are people are not trusted by others. I’m not saying these people are perfect and have never given bad advice or made mistakes. No one is perfect. I’m saying their advice has helped me to make money. If you make money following someone’s advice, that is proof that they know what they’re talking about, and that they’ve given you that advice because they honestly knew it would help you.

The fact is successful people will always be hated by someone (aka player haters, for the cool people out there..LOL). Just think, if there are people who hate Oprah, then it doesn’t matter how generous you are, there are going to be people who hate you.

None of these people are close personal friends of mine (I wish!). A few I have spoken to, some I have seen in person, and some I have had only e-mail correspondence with; there are a few whom I’ve had no contact with other than them having my money in their bank account 🙂 . If they’ve helped me make money, they are my friend, whether they know it or not…LOL!

I am partial to those who are copywriting experts because the fact is learning copywriting, even if you are not great at it, will put you head and shoulders above your competitors, and will help you in many things that you do.

The two people who have helped me make the most money are in red. Mark’s advice is timeless and Armand is great at keeping up with the latest money-making techniques.

It’s not just about money. It’s really about success, but most people measure success by money.

Here is my list of my favorite internet marketing experts:

Corey Rudl (belated)
David Garfinkel
Ken Giddens (belated)
Gary Halbert (belated)
Mark Joyner
Armand Morin
Maria Veloso
Dr. Joe Vitale
Jeremy Burns

Honorable Mention
(People who have given helpful advice but I haven’t used it extensively)
John Reese

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