The No-Work, Money-Making Website

by Willie Crawford
May 26, 2005
The No-Work, Money-Making WebsiteCopyright 2005 by Willie Crawford
While growing up on the farm in North Carolina, I loved gardening. There was something magical about planting a dollar’s worth of seeds, watching them germinate, and then feeding the family for a entire season with my efforts.The only part I didn’t enjoy was the weeding andcultivating. That was the WORK! So I was thrilledwhen I discovered “The Ruth Stout No Work Garden Book.” That book taught me how to get all of those great vegetables with no weeding, very little cultivating, and little watering. It really did teach you how to gardenwith literally no work.Twenty year later, I discovered just as fertile agarden on the Internet. With practically no investment other than my time, I could put up awebsite, nurture it, build traffic to it, and in time, harvest lots of sales from it.

Just like with the vegetable garden, there was a lot of maintenance required if you wanted a good harvest.The site needed to be constantly updated so thatthe search engines “learned” that they should visitthis “fresh” site often. The site needed to have lots of keyword rich webpages so that it would rank high for relevantkeywords, and attract organic search engine traffic.Since I was taught that “content is king” that meantthe more content-rich, tightly-focused webpages youhad, the better. The content-rich pages meant youcould make sales, get new subscribers, and even earnpay-per-click revenue from programs such as GoogleAdSense.The only problem with the above model is… it’s a lot of WORK.Then I discovered, “The No-work, Money-making Website.It wasn’t completely no work, but it was probably1/10th the work that I had been doing. The no-work website encompasses building a content-rich website using automated tools.

These tools allow you to gather relevant content (articles, RSS feeds, etc.) from all over the Internet and then instantly generate hundreds… even thousands of content rich webpages in minutes. The no-work website encompasses using other toolsto automatically update your site, so that each timethe search engine spiders visit, they notice newcontent. Noticing new content on each visit, thesearch engine spiders make a note to visit moreoften. Now here’s where this gets really powerful…As these search engine spiders visit more often,they don’t just crawl your current no-work, money-making site.

They also follow links to other sitesyou want to get indexed. So now you can put up yourno-work site, teach the search engines to come backoften, and then go on to build other sites knowingthat getting them indexed is as simple as linking to them from your old sites. It really is that easy :-)By now you’re probably asking what are some of thesemagic tools I use to build these amazing, no-work sites that literally takes on a life of their own. Here’s are just a few of the tools I personally use:1) Blogs. Blogs hosted on get noticedvery quickly by Google because Google owns Blogger.comBy pinging blog directories (and Yahoo using your “My Yahoo” page) lots of other sites take notice ofyour blog.

They visit your blog and follow links toother target sites.2) I’m a charter member of Content Desk. ContentDesk has a tool that allows me to query databasescontaining tens of thousands of articles (based upon keywords). I can automatically sort the list of articles that is returned based upon keyword density,or a number of other criteria. Then, I can havethe software itself create webpages for me usinga template I’ve designed using the template toolbuilt right into Content Desk.Content Desk is probably my favorite tool because I can, quite literally, add hundreds of article pages to my sites in minutes. My templates also include ads fora “pet” product and/or Google AdSense.

I can add content-rich, relevant, very nice-looking pages to my sites in minute, and then move on to the next project, knowing that these pages WILL make me money.Content Desk limited its charter membership to atotal of only 400 members, and that quickly sold out.However, since it’s a monthly membership, not allmembers renew and there are probably some openings.To check on openings, simply visit: arriving at the site, click on the “CharterMembership” link in the upper left menu bar. Thiswill tell you if there are any current openings.3) RSS Feeds. By incorporating RSS feeds into yourwebpages, you can set them up so that the content isconstantly updated. This gives your visitors somethingfresh to read each time they visit. This gives thesearch engines fresh content each time that they visit…

and trains them to visit often.Content Desk incorporates a feature that works verysimilar to regular RSS feeds EXCEPT that it doesn’tsend your website traffic away. With a normal RSSfeed, the content automatically added to your sitecontains links inviting your visitors to click away.It allows you to automatically update your pages, butit also siphons off traffic. Content Desk does this ina way that automatically updates your site withoutsending your visitors away.4) Traffic On Steroids. This is another systemfor automatically updating/changing content on yoursite. Traffic On Steroids actually takes a coredatabase of articles/content that you set up and then rotates it in your target webpages.

The neteffect is that each time a visitor (or searchengine) visits a page, the page is different. This isvery effective at training the search engines tocome back often… and increasing your pages’ ranking.Incorporate Google AdSense into these pages andyou have another hands-off money magnet.You can also incorporate a product data-feed intoyour page using Secret Money Generator and have pages that are constantly updates AND have a catalog of products built in that all pay you anaffiliate commission. Secret Money Generator is at: can check out Traffic On Steroids at’ve just shared with you a few of the dozens oftools I use to create nearly-hands-off websites. Ido still look at some of them from time to time tosee if I can make them perform better.

However, youcould LITERALLY never touch many of your sitescreated with these tools for years… and you’d still have a nice revenue stream from them. It’s all about working smarter, not harder. It’s allabout using technology to leverage your time.
Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author,seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host,retired military officer, karate black belt, master networkmarketing trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. Heshows people how to actually generate substantial incomeon-line using very simple, easily implemented systems.

Anexample of such a system that you can study and utilizeis at:

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