MASTER Online Marketer’s Formula

MASTER Online Marketer’s Formula

One of the most frequently asked questions in internet marketing forums is “how can I start making money online?”

The answer to this is question is very simple. Here is the formula that ALL online marketer’s use to make BIG MONEY online.

Here’s the MASTER Online Marketer’s Formula (for any market or niche):

Making money online = a list + sales copy + products + timing

Each one of these factors is CRITICAL to success.

Another thing to think about is:

“What is your marketing PRIORITY?”

Let me start by saying that I can’t believe the amount of junk sales pitches I see in my email box everyday… you get them, I get them, everyone gets them.

You’re probably very CONFUSED about the pitches you receive- they all LOOK so good!

Each one promises to make you RICH… just buy their product or follow their plan and you will be!

Gheesh… are you still falling for that?

Let me be very blunt:

Forget about making a $million dollars… start by making a few hundred each week, then a few hundred each day… pretty soon you’ll look at your bank account and scratch your head saying,

“Where did all that money come from?”

To be in that happy situation you have to concentrate on your #1 job as an online marketer:

1) Building your list,

2) Write effective sales copy,

3) Find targeted offers for your subscribers and

4) Get the ‘timing’ right…

If you’re not making any money online right now this is the reason… you don’t understand or know how to work the “MASTER Online Marketer’s Formula“.

#1: You need a list.

The best ways to build a solid list is to participate in discussion forums, create mini-ebooks to give away and to sell inexpensive items related to your niche on eBay, use PPC (cheaply), and use eBay as a ‘lead generator’ by selling inexpensive products and asking your buyers to opt-in to your list (most will if your information is good)…

Ok… what else do you need?

#2: You have to know how to write.

I’m sorry, but that is the truth.

If you can’t put two sentences together that promote a product or service that GETS a RESPONSE you will have a very difficult time making money- it can be done, but it will be much harder for you to be very successful.

Writing is not difficult… writing so that you are communicating clearly IS difficult.

And the best copy I have ever seen is simple and convincing.

It’s not hard, but you have to think clearly about what you want to say BEFORE putting it in writing.

CLARITY and SIMPLICITY are the keys.

#3: Finding Targeted Offers

This comes AFTER you have provide good, solid content to your subscribers to prove that you know what you are talking about.

Finding targeted offers is not that hard. You need to search for them online. You need to think about what it is your subscribers would want to learn or know or what tools would be helpful to them. When you find something that you think would interest them join the products’ affiliate program (if there is one) and ‘announce’ it to your subscribers.

#4: Timing.

The best time to send offers to your list is between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM US Eastern Time. Don’t ask me why, it just is.

There’s much more to ‘timing’ but we’ll save that for another time but, just realize…

….There are all kinds of things that prevent your offer from being opened and read, none of which have anything to do with you.

You just have to know ahead of time that no matter how great your offer is, some people will just not be interested, even if they do open your email.

Final words of advice:

If you think making money online is complicated you’re wrong- it’s simple.

I did NOT say “easy”, I said “simple’.

It will take WORK… if you want to make money without work, then play the lottery.

If you want to make money and don’t mind a little effort and some thinking, then stick around, you’ll find plenty of ideas here on how to boost your income.

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