If you get a call or see an ad from a famous internet marketer that offers you coaching that will be paid for by Other People’s Money (OPM), BEWARE!
I’m going to tell you about a tactic that I’ve seen a few times now that you should be aware of, so that you can read between the lines.Â
I’m not trying to point fingers at specific marketers because I’ve seen this tactic used by a few. How it works is that they tell you they can offer you coaching that is guaranteed to make you a success and you won’t have to pay a cent of your own money. You will use other people’s money.
They tell you their reason for doing this is because they want to use you as a success story. If you have heard of them, you may have already seen some of their success stories.
Be very wary of success stories. I’ve been around the block on the internet a few years, and I’ve seen some success stories from people who were already wealthy without ever using said guru’s internet marketing system.
While some might say there’s nothing wrong with that since they may very well have earned more money using this new-fangled marketing system, I take issue with it. One of the purposes of testimonials is to make you feel that an average Josephina like you too can benefit from this “new” internet marketing technique. The fact that it helped a rich guy get richer just doesn’t give me much confidence in the program. But maybe that’s just me.
Now, it is easy to believe the claims made by this coaching program, because it was created by a famous internet marketer who is, without question, rich.
When they say that the coaching program will be paid for with Other People’s Money (OPM), they most certainly don’t mean they’ll be dipping into their own riches to help a poor soul like you. What they are referring to is you using YOUR credit cards to pay for their several thousand dollar coaching program.
I can understand why they refer to this as “other people’s money”, since the credit card company is initially paying for your purchase. However, this is money you have to pay back, and credit cards generally give you money at interest rates higher than a bank loan.
Now that you know how closely tied Other People’s Money is to your own, you might want to think twice about using it for such a large investment.
To your success on the ‘net,
Donna Knight