The One Secret To Success That You Don’t Take Seriously

Let me get straight to the point. If you are trying to sell something but you are failing miserably, here’s why:

You’re not succeeding because you are NOT following-up successfully with anyone interested in your products.

This is a MAJOR cause of failure in both ONLINE and OFFLINE businesses.

You work hard to get a prospect to see your site, to visit your store then what happens?

You don’t get their CONTACT info… and if you do, you don’t FOLLOW-UP.

I guarantee you, you can increase your business by 100%, 200%, 1,000% just by being:



FOLLOWING UP… with prospects WHILE they are HOT.

As long as your product is GOOD, and your prices FAIR you have as much right to your prospects business as anyone on this planet…


Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up.

Bottom line:

You have to be IN FRONT of them when they are ready to make that buying decision.

And THAT is one of the best kept ’secrets’ to success in ANY business and it’s one of the secrets Jay Abraham used to generate $Millions of dollars for himself and his clients- just by following up with prospects and past customers and telling them about new products and services that were available.

The majority of businesses both online and offline Never follow-up, do not contact their past customers often enough and do not ask for an order even when they do.

So like I said, you can EASILY increase your business By 10%, 200%, even 1,000% just by following-up.

Even if you stink at copywriting, can hardly put two sentences together, just by follow-ing up you’ll increase your business.

If you do NOTHING else this year, just implement this ONE simple piece of marketing advice I’m giving you today and you will see your business skyrocket.

P.S. Systematic, consistent follow-ups are easy to do online with email. The problem with email is it doesn’t always get delivered, and when it does you have to be careful not to look like a spammer. So, in addition to email try to get your prospects mailing address and phone number.

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