One Business Secret, Part 4

In the last few updates I revealed a simple formula for selling anything to anybody, at any time, in any country, online or offline, even if you HATE to sell!

Do you remember it? I called it “The One Secret”…

THE ONE SECRET: “98% of all human beings buy products or services emotionally and then justify those purchases logically.”

Let’s continue…

Investors and traders in stocks and commodities are notorious for making decisions that amount to thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars based on limited, emotionally charged and spurious information!

Your customers do the same thing.

It is amazing to me that individual investors would purchase ten, fifteen or more thousands of dollars in stocks based on a cursory knowledge of those companies operations, management capability, strategy for gaining market share, marketing plans or any number of factors that affect the company’s long term potential.

I have met a lot of investors who would investigate every possible way to save 30 cents on their favorite brand of cookies at the local market and buy fifty thousand dollars worth of stock in a company based on a single bullish newspaper article!

It’s crowd psychology- they don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t have the stock that they think everyone else already owns!

Even those investors that would never dream of entering into a business deal without the proper due diligence would buy thousands of dollars worth of stocks on tips, rumors and broker recommendations alone!

Got the idea?

The bottom line is this: People buy things FIRST because they want them and SECOND because they need them!

If you live in a big city like Boston, New York, or San Francisco, you’ll see many sidewalk demonstrations. Why do crowds develop around these street vendors? For the entertainment value! But, as they watch the skill at which the demonstrator uses the product, they see themselves ‘using it’ too, creating a ‘gap’ or a desire that now needs to be satisfied by buying the product. It’s a very effective way to sell.

The biggest problem selling from sidewalk demonstrations is breaking the ice- getting the first person to walk up and “buy”.

Most people don’t want to make that first move because they are afraid of making a mistake. The sidewalk demonstrators know this, so they ‘plant’ two or three people in the ‘audience’ who at the conclusion of the demonstration immediately, at the demonstrators ‘call to action’, step up and buy one. As soon as one or two people from the crowd step up and buy a line begins to form behind them – all waiting to purchase the product – kind of like ‘follow the leader’… it’s an amazing spectacle of crowd psychology in action.

Hard sell IS NOT necessary, when you understand, fully, what makes people buy!

In fact, you have very little “selling” to do.


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