Learn From This Legendary Copywriter

This famous copywriter used to charge charge $300 a year for his newsletter or $7500 for a lifetime subscription.

If you don’t know who Gary Halbert is then this won’t mean much to you… but if you do know who he is then you’re in for a real surprise.

Over the past few years Gary was uploading his newsletters to his website. After he passed away fairly recently his son took over posting to his website.

Gary had a very distinct writing style: kind of an in-your-face style… but it works for him because of who he was.

If you don’t know who Gary is you should. You should get to know him and read him… his words are powerful.

He was very self-promotional and somewhat controversial as you’ll read in these letters. He’s given himself nicknames such as “The Prince of Print” and “The Ravin’ Maven of Marketing”.

Gary wrote about marketing for years and really knew his stuff.

One of his more recent offerings is “The Boron Letters”… a series of letters he sent to his son, Bond, while in jail at the Boron Facility, a light security prison (I think in California).

I told you he was controversial.

At least 17 “Chapters” of “The Boron Letters” are available online … these are “Gary” at his finest and deserve a read.

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that multiple other successful copywriters have repeated the same advice that Gary has given, so you know it’s good.

You can view the “The Boron Letters” along with a couple of dozen other letters Gary has graciously made available to us at http://www.thegaryhalbertletter.com/newsletter-archives.htm

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