How Can You Make Money As a Bookaholic?

One of the most common reasons some people fail to make money despite having read everything they need to is they love reading more than doing anything else.

1) The first step in overcoming that problem is to recognize you ARE a bookaholic (or ‘info-junkie’), and admit it to yourself and you’ve won half the battle.

2) The next step is to start applying what you’ve LEARNED all these years READING.

CREATE your business by EXPRESSING yourself and getting it to FLOW FROM YOU. You have ABSORBED a lot of INFORMATION and now it’s time to be a teacher, let it out and inspire others with what you’ve learned.

If you prefer theory to practical application…

Then TEACH… teach others what’s going on in the industry and who is saying what. Give as much information as you are getting. Share your opinions and the facts as you see it.

Most people who are well-read also write very well. Most avid book readers should have no problem getting people to sign-up for your ‘newsletter’….

3) I’ll say it one more time. Take Action! Just start GIVING… giving of yourself and what you’ve learned, give a little back to others.

You can do this… and if you think you can’t then the choice totally is yours. But I sense in your letter that you’re ready to do something with what you’ve learned, you just don’t know WHAT.

Even if you have very little knowledge, or you think you have very little knowledge about a subject, there will always be people who are LESS knowledgeable than you, and those people are your market.

The key is to focus, not on yourself, but on how you can HELP others…. that will set you in motion.

Forget about attending some ’self-improvement’ seminars. You probably already know what they will teach you. Everthing you need to know is ALREADY inside you, you just need to recognize that and seek the answers INSIDE YOURSELF…

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