Before You Sign Up For That Biz Opp, Check This

Unfortunately scams abound both on the internet and offline. They always have, and they always will. There ought to be some way to check the opinions of other people who have signed up for the latest greatest business opportunity before you shell out your hard-earned cash. Well, there is. There are probably multiple sources, but this is one I’ve used that has made me change my mind about signing up for some bizopp.

If you’ve just watched one of those late night infomercials and now you’re drooling at the prospect of making millions if you buy their enticing income opportunity, wait! Don’t do anything until you check out

Go to this site and do a search for the business opportunity you’re interested in, and see what, if any, complaints come up. Now, you do need to take some complaints with a grain of salt. Most people who buy business opportunities do absolutely nothing with them. What do you think your chances of success are with anything if you do nothing with it? Exactly, zilch! But it is worth it to see what people are saying.

If you are running a business, there is another very important reason to check out this site. To see what people are saying about you! There are good reviews by customers on this site, as well. If someone is bad-mouthing you, you do have the opportunity to post a rebuttal.

The fact is, all of us who deal with customers have encountered customers who wanted the sun, the moon and the stars, when you never promised you would deliver any of those things. Then there are customers who flat out lie to get something for free and threaten to to go public when you say “no.”

Business aren’t the only ones who rip people off. There’s no shortage of dishonest consumers. I like this site because complaints don’t have to be one-sided. They let the business respond to complaints.

The Rip Off Report is a good site for both consumers and businesses to check out either yours or another company’s reputation. Plus you can post a disagreement if you want to. I highly recommend this site for business reputation information.

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