By Donna Knight
Because there are so many blogs and web sites about blogs on the internet, it’s more important than ever before to make your blog stand out from all the others. Whether you are starting up a new web site that benefits bloggers or you’re trying to make your existing blog more unique, the key to building and maintaining a site that will capture the attention of a group of bloggers is to find a profitable niche. If you can fill a unique need in a way that no other blog does, you’ll receive a steady stream of visitors to your blog. Always remember, though, that finding a target market is only the first step.
Every great blogging web site starts with a great idea. You can’t build a site that will become successful without a firm foundation. There are already plenty of great sites aimed at today’s bloggers, and competition for the attention of this constantly increasing group is vicious. To make your blogging web site stand out from the rest, you will have to offer something completely unique that can’t be easily imitated. An alternative is to mimic an already popular site but do something to make your site more valuable in some way.
One way to find the best model for your blogging site is to look at the sites that have already successfully captured an audience and them decide if you can use some of the same strategies to create your own site to draw a captivated audience. The site you are imitating does not have to be a blog. Because search engines seem to prefer blogs over traditional websites, you are better off finding a niche where there isn’t much blog-based competition. The important part is that you will have to add your own unique spin on it so that you will stand out from the competition.
In most cases, the sites that stand out the most on the internet today are those that have their own memorable personality. All kinds of web surfers from different backgrounds respond well to a site with a strong personality. The web is very impersonal so if you can add a face and a voice to your site, you will attract people who will keep coming back to read what you have to say.
Once you’ve decided on the right niche and have a brilliant idea for your blog, you then add your personality and determine how to get your site in front of an audience who might be interested in the subject of your blogging site.
The right target and a great idea alone won’t make your site successful. You need one last ingredient to guarantee your success. Like most businesses you need to develop a marketing plan in order to promote your site and get traffic from intersted viewers, who might then become buyers of whatever you’re selling. Once you’ve sinked your teeth into avid bloggers, if you give them something good to chew on, they’ll keep coming back for more.
The great benefit of having a marketing plan that works for your blogging site, is that you can use this same plan to start another blogging site and drive it to success.
Donna Knight is a Computer Trainer and Website Promotion Specialist. She has built over 250 websites and helps new site owners promote their site cheaply. For tips that will help you save money and save time when marketing online, visit her Internet Marketing Tools and Reviews blog at Copyright (c) 2006 Donna Knight. Permission granted to reprint this article as long as the article and resource box remain intact.